Narratives of Nigerian Women and Anti-Trafficking Practitioners in Italy
[dedicated page in the publisher’s website] [Book in PDF format]
by Michela Semprebon (with a forward by Giovanna Marconi, SSIIM Chairholder)
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Swedish Anti-trafficking System
By Michela Semprebon and Isabelle Johansson
“Fighting Human Trafficking in Nigeria: Recent and ongoing projects (2010-2019)”
[Executive Summary] [Full Report]
by Michela Semprebon
Il fenomeno della tratta lungo la rotta del Brennero: movimenti secondari e sistema di tutela delle donne nigeriane nella città di Bolzano
By Michela Semprebon e Serena Caroselli
The phenomenon of human trafficking along the Brenner route: secondary movements and the system of protection for Nigerian women in the city of Bozen
By Michela Semprebon and Serena Caroselli
La pratica dell’accattonaggio, tra libertà di scelta, sfruttamento, tratta e connessioni con la criminalità organizzata. Focus sulle persone nigeriane
Di Michela Semprebon, Serena Scarabello e Gianfranco Bonesso
The practice of begging, between freedom of choice, exploitation, trafficking and connections with organised crime. Focus on Nigerian people
By Michela Semprebon, Serena Scarabello and Gianfranco Bonesso
The Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Nigerian Women Returnees
By Michela Semprebon and Oluwafemi Moses Abe
Coping with the evolving trends of trafficking before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Insight from the N.A.Ve Anti-trafficking Network in Italy
By Michela Semprebon, Serena Caroselli and Serena Scarabello